A few weeks ago I was rummaging around in Hills Furniture house clearance again when I happened across this beautiful little box of photographic tinting colours. I knew I could work with it.
I did lots of research into old pharmaceuticals and remedies and decided to make some small alterations, edit and re-embroider the labels on them and turn the bottles into a piece for the Trowbridge August Festival.
I am a textile artist specialising in mixed media design with ceramics.
In my work I explore the everyday rituals and traditions that we are all so familiar with. I have an ongoing preoccupation with the ideas surrounding the family as well as woman's role within society and the home. This is a strong theme which runs through my work.
I have a particular fascination with the oppression of women through traditional textile techniques.
The themes of my work are also inspired by the materials I work with: found papers, fabrics and crockery.